Thursday, July 10, 2008

Low fat diets are the worst and most disease causing of all diets

Eating fats will make you slim. Eating fats is cleansing. Eating fats cures depression. Eating fats will allow you to absorb much more fat soluble vitamins and will help cure many diseases. Eating fats is satisfying and delicious. Eating a high fat diet will regulate your blood sugar levels. I’m talking about natural fats, fats our ancestors have eaten for hundreds of thousands of years. I’m talking about the good fats coconut meat, coconut cream, olive oil, nuts, egg yolks, animal fats, animal marrow, animal suet and more.
FAT IS GOOD FOR YOU. Good fats do not cause heart disease. That is the Cholesterol MYTH. See the Cholesterol Myth book I previously reviewed.
Fat is the most important part of your diet. Fat is so important that you should be consuming fats as the majority of your diet in weight. You should be eating more fats than lean meat, more fats than grains. In fact, it is grains that cause many, many diseases.
If you are Filipino, you should be replacing rice with fats. You can also use sweet potatoes sparingly. But the best carbs come from fruits. You might like to know that coconut meat is FAT.
How did I come to this conclusion? Self experimentation will lead you to the truth.
I tried raw vegan. I also did raw fruitarian.
I learned that to survive on raw vegan, you must have high fat. (coconut meat, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, durians)
I learned that to survive on raw fruitarian, you must have high fat. (coconut meat, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, durians)I went with Wai Diet, a raw fruit diet plus raw egg yolks and raw sea food diet.(Raw paleolithic already)
Wai Diet is High Carb, High Fat.I’m now experimenting with low carb high fat these days and I’m still learning the ropes.
What I do know from experience is, that a HIGH FAT diet is A MUST!
Low FAT diets are just plain wrong. I had to experience raw vegan and raw fruitarian diets to learn that a LOW FAT diet is completely, totally and forever wrong.

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